Jodel Ambassaduer 1050, 

SOLD to France!!


It is a Jodel Ambassaduer 1050 four seated from 1963, factory built. It is as new. The frame has 1600 hours but the fabric covering has only 75 hours. The engine, a Continental O-200 has also only 75 hours so it is as brand new.

I need to sell the plane quick before I get my new plane in beginning of November 
so I can sell it cheap, only 200.000 SEK 
(22.000 Euro, exchange rate 15 september 2003 )

The plane is in Stockholm, Sweden.


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Contact: Sten-Anders Fellman
Adress: Marsvägen 6
Postadress: 177 61 Järfälla, Sweden
Phone: +46 702 61 21 27